Monday, July 31, 2017

Diary of a Teenage Girl

This must have been a movie that I saw as a trailer somewhere and noted down. I have no recollection of the trailer, but it must have been sufficiently interesting for me to decide to watch it. I had almost no expectations for the movie. It was pleasantly entertaining. There was a considerable amount of nudity. I thought all the actors did a good job. The script seemed well written. I liked seeing their representation of the 1970s. I remember using cassette recorder just like the one that the lead used. Overall an interesting movie. Still not a deserted island movie.

Maybe that will be my rating system. The number of palm trees would represent how well I liked the movie. Or not.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Let's Be Cops

Overall I enjoyed the movie. I can't recall how it came to my attention, probably a trailer some time. Anyway, I like one of the lead actor's. The other, not so much. It felt like they were in two different movies. It was a combination coming of age movie, underdogs triumphing movie and buddy movie. Fun and definitely not pithy. Still not a desert island movie.


I vaguely remember the whole thing about Dan Rather and a news story about GW Bush's National Guard Service but only that it seemed to me that what happened was the story got changed from one about Bush to one about possibly faked documents. That the whole fake documents thing was used to discredit a story that could have been damaging to GW's re-election bid. And that Dan Rather took the fall. And that there was a definite change in news reporting leading up to his departure and after - from actual news and journalism to a more infotainment focused news. Very sad.

As for the movie - I am not a fan of Cate Blanchett's American accent. And there is something about her acting that sometimes irks me. I do like Robert Redford most of the time. And I am a big fan of Topher Grace. Dennis Quaid - hit or miss for me - and the woman from Mad Men (looking it up now) Elizabeth Moss - despite watching all of Mad Men I never really grew to like either her character or her acting.

All that being said, I did enjoy the movie. I thought the story was well presented, the acting, overall, was only a bit over the top. Still not a deserted island pick.

PS Dan Rather was never my favorite news person. I was more of a Walter Cronkite and Peter Jennings fan...

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Logan was an ok film. Hugh Jackman was fine. Patrick Stewart was, well, Patrick Stewart. There were some good action scenes. The actor who played X-23 was good. The script was ok. I just wasn't thrilled overall. Perhaps it is because Wolverine has never been my favorite X-Man. X-Person. I liked Jean Grey. And The Beast has always been high on my list. Did I mention that I have a lot of early X-Men comics? I think I have #8 somewhere. Anyway, I am glad I saw it. And I doubt I will ever see it again. Definitely not a movie I would take with me to a deserted desert isle!

Intro to Movies and Such

I don't understand how that just got published. Oh well. Anyway. I have decided (by popular demand?) to start doing a blog that is quick reviews of movies. I haven't figured out if there is going to be a rating system or what. Really, I just want a place to put a little about each of the movies I have seen. And since I am watching a lot of movies just now, and because I think my brain is slowly turning to mush, it will be helpful to me when picking new movies to see. Perhaps.