Monday, October 16, 2017

Cold Pursuit (Book)

I guess the difference between a murder mystery and a crime novel is that...nope, can't think of one. I was going to say that in a crime novel the focus is on a police person solving the crime - but there are many mystery novels where the crime solver is a policeman, aren't there? Maybe I am hallucinating. Anyway, this book was a crime novel by T. Jefferson (Thomas?) Parker, an author I had never heard of. Just a book on a shelf. I don't really understand the title as it relates to the book, either. The story starts with a murder of an older person (no one is old to me anymore at this point in my life)(ok, maybe someone who is 103 might be considered old...) who got bashed in the head by person or persons unknown. The protagonist is a police sargeant, the original prime suspect is, wait for it, a beautiful blond woman, who he falls for, of course. So in that respect it was a bit predictable. But other than that, it was a good crime story.

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